A Reputable Comox Valley Electrician

We are proud to have earned a 5 Star Service rating as a reputable Comox Valley Electrician. We value the trust placed in our hands when a client refers a new customer our way. Referrals are the very heart of our business and our family strives to live up to that...

Mixed Metals on Trend

Mixed metals are EVERYWHERE in the design world! We’re LOVING this lighting trend and are busy installing beautiful new fixtures all over the Comox Valley. Providing creative expression and loads of personality, mixed metals are the fastest way to bring a room...

Top 10 Kitchen Renovation Tips

Today’s kitchens barely resemble the kitchens of previous generations but one thing remains the same… Kitchens are still the hub of the family home! With many different activities happening alongside meal prep, modern kitchens are for much more than just...